Identify niche market, Annuar tells handicraft workshop participants


Dr Annuar (seated centre) in a photo call with the workshop participants. Flanking him are Nor Amanina (left) and Norizan. – Photo by Peter Boon

SIBU (Feb 20): Participants of the ‘Buriek’ handicraft workshop have been told to identify a niche market to sell their products.

In giving the suggestion, Deputy Minister for Education, Innovation and Talent Development Datuk Dr Annuar Rapaee said the participants should tap into e-commerce platforms to have a wider market access, and not solely be confined to the local Sibu market.

He was speaking to reporters after the closing ceremony of the workshop, which was jointly organised by Sarawak State Library and Sarawak United National Youth Organisation (Saberkas) Nangka branch yesterday.

A total of 30 participants took part in the workshop held at the Sarawak State Library here.

“I hope the participants will benefit from the training today and have the knowledge to commercialise their products. I am sure these days, many people are looking for extra income to cushion the higher cost of living.

“Commercialising the products is a way for them to earn extra income. They should not compete with established competitors in doing so.

“They need to identify a niche area or come up with a new product, where others have yet to explore. From there, they should develop a niche for them to be the sole producer or supplier,” he said.

Meanwhile, librarian Nor Amanina, who heads the Sarawakiana Division, represented Sarawak State Library regional manager Fairul Azli at the event.

She pointed out that the workshop serves as a platform to groom talent and instil interest in Sarawak’s cultural heritage.

“It is also a place where artisans such as ‘kain buriek’ makers share their expertise and experience,” she said.

Sarawak State Library aims to continue supporting these artisans so that their expertise will not fade in the waves of modernisation, she added.

Saberkas Nangka branch secretary Norizan Sanyut was also present at the closing ceremony.